Yiddish theater

“Even his kvetching shows a certain originality of perception.”

Robert Alter
April 24 2023 12:01AM

“With what words could we appear before audiences and avoid dishonoring their anguish?”

Avraham Sutzkever and Justin Cammy
Oct. 14 2021 12:01AM

And why Yiddish plays attracted Gentile audiences.

Alyssa Quint
May 26 2021 12:01AM

Hath not a Jew seykhl?

Nahma Sandrow
Aug. 14 2020 12:01AM


Alyssa Quint
July 28 2020 12:01AM

“He sings with a real Jewish turn, with a real Jewish moan and sigh.”

Henry Sapoznik
July 20 2020 12:01AM


Madeleine Kearns
March 18 2019 12:01AM

The story of the Vilna Troupe.

Mayhill Fowler
Feb. 20 2019 12:01AM

Marc Chagall was one of many.

Alyssa Quint
July 19 2018 12:01AM

Translation, retranslation, and un-translation.

Alisa Solomon
June 29 2018 12:01AM

Joseph Buloff and Luba Kadison.

Barbara Buloff
April 25 2018 12:01AM

The moral indecency of “Indecent.”

Ruth Wisse
June 26 2017 12:01AM

Misreading God of Vengeance.

April 28 2017 12:01AM