Yom Kippur War

A message from 1973.

Norman Lamm
Oct. 23 2024 12:01AM

Ignoring U.S. restraints to try for victory.

Vladislav Davidzon
Aug. 21 2024 12:01AM

What can an army do about a warning?

Edward Luttwak
Dec. 11 2023 12:01AM

Interviews with Norman Podhoretz and Elliott Abrams recreate the foreign-policy debates of the cold war, and illuminate Kissinger’s attitudes toward Israel and the Jewish people.

Dec. 6 2023 12:01AM

Nixon and Kissinger understood Israeli military power to be an asset to America, not a liability, and they formulated a strategy designed to exploit that power.

Nov. 1 2023 12:01AM

Claims that the unexpected nature of the Egyptian and Syrian attack in 1973 didn’t ultimately matter are belied by the historical evidence.

Oct. 30 2023 12:01AM

Michael Doran, a leading analyst and author of “The Hidden Calculation Behind the Yom Kippur War,” discusses his essay and the eerie resonances between 1973 and 2023.

Oct. 26 2023 12:02AM

Acquiescing to American restraint would have led to an Israeli defeat, and peace between Egypt and Israel might never have happened.

Oct. 25 2023 12:01AM

A rabbi’s reflections on the Yom Kippur War may bear some relevance today.

Yehuda Amital
Oct. 10 2023 12:01AM

“Shock, bewilderment, a slight nausea, a sudden urge to fight back the tears that welled in my eyes.”

Ruby Namdar
Oct. 9 2023 12:01AM

Clarice Lispector, anti-Semitism, and Macabéa.

Julia Kornberg
Oct. 6 2023 12:01AM

It’s long been the greatest question about the war: why Israel waited to be attacked. But what if it was convinced to wait by its closest ally, the United States?

Oct. 2 2023 12:01AM