André Spire.
Neither Jews nor humanity needed the Shoah to learn that murdering millions of innocents was wrong.
“I am not afraid of you; I have a son in the Land of Israel.”
Jews in Arab lands spoke much the same Arabic as their neighbors. But the notion that they thought of themselves as Arab Jews, pushed now in some circles, is a historical absurdity.
Personal freedom and national independence.
Yet Zionism has proved a tremendous success.
A conversation about how small magazines develop and publish big Jewish ideas.
“We won! Am Yisrael ḥai!”
Bloomsday reflections.
Haim Hazaz’s “The Sermon.”
Gershom Scholem chose Israel; Theodor Adorno returned to Germany.
Zishe Breitbart, the “second Samson.”
The son of the human-rights icon joins us to discuss his father’s legacy, including his views on Zionism, Judaism, and Holocaust memory.