Land of Israel

“I placed a loaf of bread and some olives in my pack . . .”

S. Y. Agnon
May 7 2015 12:01AM

A once-abundant staple crop is being rescued from a 1,500 year extinction.

April Holloway
April 1 2015 12:01AM

A new museum in Israel strives to spread knowledge about the wildlife that once existed in the land and is discussed in the Bible. Orit. . .

Orit Arfa
March 6 2015 12:01AM

Mendes Cohen was born to Jewish immigrants in Richmond, VA in 1796; his family moved to Baltimore when he was a child. During the War. . .

Joe Sugarman
Feb. 2 2015 12:01AM

During its 90-year reign, the “Latin Kingdom” rehabilitated ancient landmarks and built and rebuilt churches, leaving an enduring mark on the city’s architecture.

Jack Meinhardt
Sept. 15 2014 12:01AM

The ancient Jewish connection to the Holy Land, affirmed by Muhammad in the Quran, is now denied by many of his followers. Herewith, ten major pieces of evidence.

Boaz Levy
May 20 2014 12:01AM

With a single communication from the Arab Group at UNESCO, a meticulously organized and long-planned exhibit was abruptly canceled.  

Robert Wistrich
Feb. 14 2014 12:01AM

Why was Moses denied entry to the land, and why were his powers divided? Because great leaders are subservient to the greater purposes they serve.  

Elliot J. Cosgrove
Feb. 14 2014 12:01AM