What does it mean that protests and encampments were correlated with tuition price, student-body wealth, and prestige?
And one has a historical background that is not unrelated to the plight of the hostages in Gaza.
The author of a recent essay on the subject uses it as an occasion to look into the ongoing drama of modern Zionism and the meaning of modern Israel.
Americans like the veteran Democratic strategist should not project their problems onto peoples who already have enough of their own.
The author of On Settler Colonialism explains the idea that’s at the core of the ideological opposition to Israel.
All nouns and adjectives in Hebrew are gendered. Why do those genders keep switching?
The idea of martyrdom is an uncomfortable one for Jews. Yet respect for religious self-sacrifice finds its very origins among them, as I saw on Mount Herzl this summer.
A recording and transcript of our subscriber-only July event on how Israel investigates itself are now available.
A country united in dissatisfaction over the lack of a clear resolution might be better than a country even more bitterly divided by the presence of a clear resolution.
Israel indeed suffers from a lack of accountability, the source of which is a chaotic system of unrepresentative government.
Describing the battle at Kibbutz Be’eri, the report shows numerous failures.
Cheap and easy conspiracy theory from the past to the present.
A new book charts the deep religious roots of hostility to Jews in the land of Israel.
A writer takes her first visit to Israel.