The Rise and Fall of the Jews of Corfu

The Greek island of Corfu, formerly known as Corcyra, might be most famous for Thucydides’ description of it during the Peloponnesian War. In more recent times, it was home to a small but thriving Jewish community that was systematically destroyed by the Nazis. Nimrod Gaatone tells its story:

Jews are known to have been present in Corfu since the Middle Ages. The famous traveler Benjamin of Tudela mentions visiting the island in the 12th century and encountering a Jew named Yosef, who worked as a dyer of fabrics. Two major communities lived on the island: one composed of Romaniote Jews and the other of Italian Jews.

The Jews of Corfu dealt primarily in [commerce], and some of them became prominent in trading in etrogim (citrons) grown on the island, which were considered particularly aesthetic and beautiful and therefore appropriate for the holiday of Sukkot. The Jewish traders tended to acquire the etrogim from Christian farmers and then export them throughout the Jewish world. During the 19th century, a religious debate raged across Jewish communities worldwide regarding the kosher status of these etrogim, and some communities preferred to acquire etrogim from other sources instead.

Read more at The Librarians

More about: Corfu, Jewish history, Romaniote Jewry


How the U.S. Let Israel Down and Failed to Stand Up to Iran

Recent reports suggest that the White House has at last acted to allow the shipments of weapons that had been withheld from Israel and to end further the delays. On this topic, Elliott Abrams comments, “I don’t know what and how much has been held up, but it shouldn’t have happened. The level of delay should be zero.”

In this interview with Ariel Kahana, Abrams also comments on the failings of U.S. policy toward Iran, and the Biden administration’s refusal to enforce existing sanctions:

According to Abrams, Iran has indeed halted the advancement of its nuclear program on rare occasions. “This happened when Bush invaded Iraq in 2003, and when [President] Trump eliminated Qassem Suleimani in 2020. The U.S. needs to be ready to use force in Iran, but credibility is critical here. Only if [Iran’s leaders] are convinced that the U.S. is willing to act will they stop.”

Abrams claims that the U.S. president tried for two-and-a-half years to revive the nuclear deal with Iran until he realized it wasn’t interested. “Iran has benefited from this situation, and everyone outside the administration sees it as a failure.”

Read more at Israel Hayom

More about: Gaza War 2023, Iran, Iran nuclear program, U.S.-Israel relationship