Once there were Dutch-Jewish whalers. Now there is Paul Cohen of Narsaq.
“Jews needed accommodation; anti-Jews needed an object of blame.”
A window into the lives of ordinary Jews.
The dark side of a civilizational triumph.
The printing press and Jewish mysticism.
Need a new tune for the prayer for dew? Or a job for your daughter?
The romantic, conservative Haskalah.
Built in 51 CE on the coast of the Black Sea.
Albert Murray, Salo Baron, and the lachrymose conception of history.
How an 18th-century rabbinic court dealt with everything from charitable trusts to illegitimate pregnancies.
Expulsion, reconversion, flourishing, and destruction.
Yehuda Bauer, in memoriam.
Pogroms, progressives, and Jewish memory.
The Comprehensive Book.