Don’t Let Boeing Sell Planes to Iran

The American airplane manufacturer Boeing recently concluded a deal to sell 80 of its jets to the Islamic Republic. Based on extensive evidence that Tehran uses civilian aircraft to ship weapons and other military supplies to the Syrian army and Hizballah, a group of senators are now urging the White House to use its authority to prevent the sale from taking place. If not stopped, argues Peter Kohanloo, the sale will have consequences beyond the inherent moral and strategic problems with giving assistance to a brutal and hostile dictator.

If the sale goes through, it will trigger a gold rush of business to Iran. Even if American firms don’t immediately strike deals, they will nonetheless be able to cement their relationships with the regime’s elite for future transactions. For an example of this, look no further than the 2014 Europe-Iran Forum held in London. . . . Once the taint of doing business with the regime has been erased, it will be much easier for U.S. companies to justify their entrance into the Iranian market.

Corporate America’s burgeoning business ties with Iran would inevitably create in Washington an entrenched constituency that would block legislation targeting Iran’s nuclear and ballistic-missile programs, its support for international terrorism, and its myriad human-rights abuses. Boeing has already said the deal “will support tens of thousands of U.S. jobs directly . . . and nearly 100,000 U.S. jobs [indirectly].” With the public’s demand for job creation, individual congressional members won’t act against Iran if it means losing jobs in their home districts and states.

To . . . put America’s national-security interests first, the Trump administration should resist the temptation to appease American corporate interests and nip the gold rush to Iran in the bud by blocking the Boeing deal. It might not be the most popular thing to do right now, but it is the wisest move for America in the long run.

Read more at The Hill

More about: Iran, Politics & Current Affairs, Syrian civil war, U.S. Foreign policy

The Biden Administration’s Incompetent Response to Anti-Semitism

The Biden administration’s apparent abandonment of Israel is matched by the White House’s feckless handling of rising anti-Semitism. Seth Mandel explains:

On Thursday, May 2, Biden made public remarks condemning the campus pro-Hamas protests. The very next day, major Jewish groups pulled out of a White House meeting on anti-Semitism with [the domestic policy adviser Neera] Tanden and Education Secretary Miguel Cardona. The reason? Jewish activists who have spent their careers opposing Israel, attacking the Jewish community, and now supporting the very anti-Semitic demonstrations [the meeting was called to address] were added to the meeting after the mainstream groups had already accepted.

When Joe Biden speaks about anti-Semitism, he usually says the right words. But in charge of his deeds, he has put political incompetents manifestly unqualified for this responsibility. He should fix that immediately, because his speeches won’t much matter without a way to implement the ideas animating them.

Read more at Commentary

More about: Anti-Semitism, Joseph Biden, U.S. Politics