The Attack on Jews Is an Assault on America and on the West

With the next cycle of college applications approaching in the fall, many Jews—whether parents, students, or university faculty and staff—will have to choose whether to remain at institutions of higher learning, or to abandon them. Those who opt for the latter course will face an even harder question: where to go instead?

Revisiting his essay “The Exodus Project,” Eric Cohen addresses this question in conversation with Jonathan Tobin, while exploring the civilizational significance of the resurgence of anti-Semitism in America. (Video, 50 minutes. Audio is available on major podcast platforms.)

Read more at Think Twice

More about: American Jewry, Anti-Semitism, Education, Israel on campus, Western civilization

The Day-After-Hamas Plan Israeli Policymakers Are Reading

As Israel moves closer to dismantling Hamas’s rule in Gaza, it will soon have to start implementing an alternative form of local governance. To do so it will likely draw on a confidential report produced by a team of Israeli scholars that has been circulating in the highest ranks of the government and military for the past few weeks.

One of the report’s authors, Netta Barak-Corren, discussed some of its suggestions recently with Dan Senor, addressing what can be learned from what the U.S. got right in Japan and Germany after World War II, and got wrong in Iraq and Afghanistan:

Read more at Call Me Back

More about: Gaza War 2023, Hamas