An academic conference deteriorates into an anti-Israel rally.
A student-government official doesn’t want to hire Jews.
Dean of the pseudo-scholars.
The government can break the wave of anti-Semitism subsuming American college campuses. But it will take political will.
Religious freedom on Royce Quad.
He reassured university presidents that only Republicans cared about anti-Semitism.
A thumbs-up for shunning Israeli scholars.
The ruse of “interfaith vigils.”
Anti-Israel fanaticism isn’t a perplexing puzzle but a dangerous problem.
Left-wing Zionists protest an Israeli speaker, and get protested by Hamas supporters.
Not just students and faculty, but even administrators, are turning it into an engine of hatred.
What October 7 clarified.
“People don’t even know how to talk and think here.”
Empty gestures at Northwestern.