The answer lies in an all-too-familiar combination of runaway multiculturalism, muddled thinking, anti-Semitism masquerading as anti-Zionism, and a Muslim immigrant population that contains a vocal and unchecked Islamist element. Denis MacEoin writes:
Swedish Muslim hatred of Israel and Jews found a perfect vehicle for expressing the very things that, under other circumstances, might have brought that hatred hard against a brick wall of national tolerance. That wall would have been built from the bricks of Swedish liberal values, the widespread absence of anti-Semitism among native Swedes, the country’s long-standing sense of individual and communal democracy, concern for the downtrodden, moral conscience, moderate socialism, and commitment to human rights. In a sane world, all these things would lead to strong support for Jews under attack and sympathy for a Jewish state beleaguered from all sides by Islamist forces, from Hamas to Hizballah to Islamic State. In Sweden now, anti-Semitism dressed as anti-Israelism is widespread, not least among sections of the political class.
More about: Anti-Zionism, European Islam, Israeli-Palestinian Conflict, Sweden