
Although most professed atheists reject religion in general, they usually have a specific religion in mind. The sociologist Peter Berger argues that today’s atheism has. . .

Peter Berger
Dec. 1 2014 12:01AM

To fight anti-Semitism, Europe needs to rebuild its cultural foundations. That project starts with the Church.

Oct. 23 2014 12:01AM

New atheists like Richard Dawkins are not only religiously illiterate; they’re also ignorant of their forebears, for whom the “death of God” was a rightly fearsome prospect.   

Michael Robbins
July 10 2014 12:01AM

Can secularists lead moral lives? Of course. What about an entire nation? Of course not.  

Dennis Prager
July 9 2014 12:01AM

Many are the substitutes for God invented by non-believers; they have turned out to be no substitutes at all. But can the West recover its. . .

June 18 2014 12:01AM

To understand why religion will never die, one need only look at the unrelenting efforts of Communist regimes to criminalize and crush faith; they failed.

Roger Scruton
June 6 2014 12:01AM

In sharp contrast to today’s unbelievers, Friedrich Nietzsche understood that the “death of God” meant the death of morality.

John Gray
March 25 2014 12:01AM

The fate of Christians and Jews under Communism should serve as a lesson to contemporary atheists for whom persecution is only another word for religion.

Diane Weber Bederman
Feb. 19 2014 12:01AM

Some justify atheism on the grounds that we no longer need God to explain natural phenomena. “This is pretty lame.” (Interview by Gary Gutting.) 

Alvin Plantinga
Feb. 11 2014 12:01AM

There is more than meets the eye to Leo Strauss’s claim that philosophers, himself included, cannot be religious believers.

Peter Lawler
Jan. 24 2014 12:00AM

Scientists and philosophers of mind are tossing the human-centered worldview into the trash; it is incumbent on Judaism and Christianity to confront them.

Jan. 14 2014 12:00AM

The use of religious terminology, rituals, and theological concepts by nominally atheist groups suggests that they are not quite as distant from traditional theism as they claim.

Nicholas Frankovich
Dec. 31 2013 12:00AM

Serious theists and atheists, though they frequently debate the reality of God, hardly ever use the word “God” in the same way.

Robert Barron
Oct. 31 2013 12:00AM

Pew’s survey of American Jews raises more questions about the state of American Jewry than it answers.

Shmuel Rosner
Oct. 4 2013 12:00AM