
How to know if an argument is for the sake of heaven.

Howard Kreisel
June 23 2023 12:01AM

Why is a left-wing Jewish group trying to get other Jewish organizations kicked off campus?

David Schraub
Aug. 6 2018 12:01AM

Subverting Hillel’s purpose.

Jan. 20 2016 12:01AM

Students don’t need more opportunities to hear attacks on Israel.

Andrew Pessin
Jan. 18 2016 12:01AM

The goal of the organization “Open Hillel,” which recently held its first conference at Harvard, is to convince Hillel Houses on college campuses to sponsor. . .

Aiden Pink
Nov. 13 2014 12:01AM

85% of young American Jews attend college. They need tending.

Nov. 10 2014 12:01AM

Did the talmudic sage Hillel anticipate by eighteen centuries the invention widely attributed to the Earl of Sandwich?

April 18 2014 12:01AM

Welcoming anti-Israel speakers to the campus organization for Jewish life is contrary to its mission and reason for being; plus, the term “open” is dishonest.  

Daniel Mael
March 14 2014 12:01AM