
The prophets repeatedly denounced their fellow Jews for worshiping at bamot (singular bamah), usually translated as “high places.” Yet other biblical passages seem to suggest. . .

Ellen White
Oct. 24 2014 12:01AM

An ancient game of dice—complete with idol worship—may be the source of the mysterious “Pur” lottery in the holiday of Purim. 

Binyamin Kagedan
March 11 2014 12:01AM

Why do so many ancient synagogue mosaics in Israel feature pagan symbols? (2012)

Walter Zanger
Dec. 5 2013 12:00AM

Does an ancient Aramean bull deity, depicted on an 8th-century B.C.E. stele, explain how Judaism came to adopt a lunar calendar?

Ilan Ben Zion
Nov. 19 2013 12:00AM

Biblical fundamentalism diverts people from the real message of Torah while setting up the “received” text as an object of faith.

Norman Solomon
Oct. 25 2013 12:00AM

A creature eternally cursed for tempting Eve to eat from the Tree of Knowledge came to symbolize redemption for the Israelites in the wilderness. How?

Carina del Valle Schorske
Aug. 8 2013 12:00AM