Indian Jewry

Local Muslims and Hindus even attend Jewish schools and learn Hebrew songs.

Tanmay Chatterjee
Dec. 27 2017 12:01AM

Most likely, Jewish men from the Middle East came to India and married local women.

Michele Chabin
June 28 2017 12:01AM

One of the city’s last Jews has made it his mission.

101 Traces
March 28 2017 12:01AM

The Bene Israel of Alibaug.

Namita Devidayal
May 18 2016 12:01AM

How Jews helped start India’s film industry.

Navras Jaat Aafreedi
March 21 2016 12:01AM

The shrinking Jewish community depends on the kindness of Muslims.

Alyssa Pinsker
Jan. 5 2016 12:01AM

They trace their history to the time of King Solomon.

Bala Menon
Aug. 18 2015 12:01AM

The Bene Israel have lived in western India for over 900 years. The film Next Year in Bombay, written and produced by Jonas Parienté and. . .

Jonas Parienté and Mathias Mangin
Dec. 19 2014 12:01AM

The synagogue in India’s capital city remains active, although the Jewish community there has dwindled to about 40 members. Although New Delhi, unlike Mumbai or. . .

Manoj Sharma
Dec. 15 2014 12:01AM

Jews and Muslims have lived together in the Indian subcontinent for many centuries, and have often had close ties. India’s only Hebrew scribe, for instance,. . .

Navras Jaat Aafreedi
Oct. 22 2014 12:01AM