
Peace became the left’s byword, and peace had become synonymous with terrorism.

Dec. 14 2022 12:01AM

From peaceniks to Israel haters.

Ben-Dror Yemini
July 21 2022 12:01AM

Emphasizing Palestinian rather than Israeli identity.

Nadav Shragai
March 31 2020 12:01AM

It failed to answer the question that was foremost in most Israelis’ minds.

April 12 2019 12:01AM

Contempt for voters doesn’t win elections.

June 30 2016 12:01AM

A softer and more balanced voice.

Jeremy Rosen
Dec. 21 2015 12:01AM

As Israel’s major political parties have grown closer on the key issues of security and the economy, other divides are surfacing. These divides, according to. . .

Feb. 26 2015 12:01AM