Middle Ages

The anniversary of the death is thought to fall later this week.

Henry Abramson
July 13 2015 12:01AM

Early Christian art contains frequent depictions of Jews but rarely gives them any distinctive Jewish features. Then, around the year 1000, Jews begin to appear. . .

Bernard Starr
Feb. 25 2015 12:01AM

Divers in the ancient harbor near the Israeli city of Caesarea have discovered nearly 2,000 gold coins on the seabed. Experts date them to the. . .

Israel Antiquities Authority
Feb. 19 2015 12:01AM

The image of a vicious Jew with a large, hooked nose has long been a mainstay of anti-Semitic caricature, and remains so today. Before the. . .

Sara Lipton
Nov. 17 2014 12:01AM

Almost every methodological approach used by modern Bible critics finds a parallel in the works of “traditional” Jewish exegetes in the Middle Ages.

Martin Lockshin
Aug. 22 2013 12:00AM