
Acquiescing in Russian aggression, as the West has done, is wholly incompatible with the defense of democracy, to which the West professes attachment.   

Charles Fairbanks
April 10 2014 12:01AM

Whom do Ukrainian Jews have to fear? In their own telling, they are being used as pawns in a Russian propaganda war.

April 8 2014 12:01AM

For the Jews of Ukraine, today’s danger arises from Vladimir Putin, who calls Ukrainian democrats Nazis while trafficking in Nazi-like assertions himself.

David Frum
March 28 2014 12:01AM

What his actions in Eastern Europe tell us about how Vladimir Putin sees the Middle East.

March 26 2014 12:05AM

As Russia moves to gain leverage in Ukraine, it shows an increased willingness to damage Western interests in the Middle East as well.

Josh Cohen
March 19 2014 12:01AM

The dithering Western response to the Ukrainian crisis will only reinforce the uncompromising attitude of Tehran in nuclear negotiations. 

March 3 2014 12:01AM

Attempting to dominate Ukraine, “Mother Russia” has claimed to be the protector of Jews and other minorities she has long persecuted. 

Timothy Snyder
Feb. 24 2014 12:01AM

Old Odessa was tempting: a Vegas-like playground free of restrictions where “you can see the flames of hell.” But what does Odessa tell us. . .

Jeffrey Veidlinger
Aug. 12 2013 12:00AM