Elliott Abrams is a senior fellow for Middle Eastern studies at the Council on Foreign Relations and is the chairman of the Tikvah Fund.
The author of a new book explores how the diaspora’s largest Jewish community can renew its strength and resilience.
A practicing Orthodox Jew, the late senator lived his faith; no political triumph ever seemed to dent his graciousness.
Featuring prime ministers, kidnappings, popes, silences, exiled shadows, portraits, intellectual origins, the best minds, and more.
Interviews with Norman Podhoretz and Elliott Abrams recreate the foreign-policy debates of the cold war, and illuminate Kissinger’s attitudes toward Israel and the Jewish people.
The veteran Israel observer and foreign-policy expert joins the podcast to talk about why many American Jews are speaking so apocalyptically about Israel’s new governing coalition.
Featuring wars, peacemakers, two cultures, pogroms, plays, four ages, wild problems, caves, magic, letters, American conservatives, liberal parents, radical children, and more.
A China expert, a veteran American diplomat, and a retired Israeli general walk into a Zoom to talk about Israel and where it fits into a new cold war.
Five of our writers pick several favorites each, featuring a duke’s children, Jewish treasures, zealots and emancipators, revolts, dual allegiances, spies, and more.
Palestinians deserve a chance to elect a decent government without corruption or terror. Political reform can make Gaza better, and Israel more secure. Here’s how it could happen.
Seven of our regular writers pick several favorites each, featuring sieges, spies, cultural revolutions, family papers, useful enemies, new fields of inquiry, and more.
To Michael Doran, the administration’s many statements and actions concerning the Middle East reflect a “coherent vision.” If true—which is doubtful—it’s the wrong vision.
Letters, antidotes, eternal lives, outcasts, secret worlds, pogroms, and more.
Doing so would be profoundly dangerous.
Major Jewish organizations often represent no one but their own major donors. But would elected representatives offer an improvement?
Like Zionism, the global human rights movement was the product of Jews motivated by the need to find a refuge for their beleaguered people.
Is a defense treaty a good idea, and would it increase or decrease popular American support for the Jewish state?
Spy games, catch-67s, lionesses, smugglers, patriots, setting suns, and more.
Daniel Gordis and Elliott Abrams debate the proper response to the Israeli government’s recent decisions on prayer at the Western Wall and conversion to Judaism.
Furious and extreme proposals in response to two Israeli government decisions are ill-reasoned and immature.
Absent a change in Palestinian attitudes, a deal creating a Palestinian state will lead only to revanchism and more violence.
In the 20th century the American Jewish community was the world’s largest and strongest, and helped establish and protect the Jewish state. The 21st century will be different.
The conventional wisdom says the problem is Israel. It’s wrong.
Israel’s allies won’t support an out-and-out renunciation of the two-state solution.
The ideological roots of his disastrous Iran strategy.
Trapped between certain chaos in the West Bank if it withdraws and loss of international legitimacy if it doesn’t, can Israel still act affirmatively? Can we?
Common enemies and shared interests have aligned the Saudis, the Egyptians, and other Arabs with the Jewish state. That’s the good news.
It's time for American Jews to say thank-you to evangelicals—and to act accordingly.