Last week, the Canadian foreign minister announced that her country would halt all arms sales Israel, following a parliamentary resolution to that effect. The decision is primarily symbolic, since Canada imports far more in military equipment (including Iron Dome radar batteries, missiles, and naval craft) from Israel than it exports, and has no plans to stop. Yet Israeli diplomats fear it might pave the way for other countries to follow suit. The editors of the Jerusalem Post comment:
Canada’s decision also must bring joy to terrorist organizations worldwide searching for a winning strategy. They, too, are carefully watching the Israel-Hamas war. If these nefarious organizations see that the West is standing firmly with Israel, then that will send one message. If they see that through the cruel use of Palestinian human shields, however, Hamas can survive and murder more Jews and Israeli innocents, then they could be excused for saying to themselves, “This is a great game plan, and if it works for Hamas, it can work for us.”
More about: Canada, Gaza War 2023