As life becomes increasingly dangerous for European Jews, and as European governments prove unable or unwilling to defend them, they must begin bearing arms and learning how to use them, argues Liel Leibovitz:
Against rampant violence [like the recent attack on a Danish synagogue], decent, liberal people look up to governments to maintain law and order. And Europe’s governments certainly excel at paying lip service to their Jewish citizens after they are slaughtered. Shortly after the attack in Copenhagen, the Danish ambassador to Israel . . . urged Denmark’s Jewish community to stay put, promising that his country will do “everything in our power so that the Jewish community in Denmark feels safe.”
Everything in the Danish government’s power, however, has not thus far included investing in actual security, which the country’s Jewish community has been requesting for years and which the government refuses to fund. Which, of course, is understandable: Denmark is one of the most enthusiastic supporters of virulently anti-Israeli organizations in Europe. After funneling approximately 30 million euros to the corrupt and tyrannical Palestinian Authority in the last five years alone, there are probably not enough kroner in the till to pay for securing the lives of 8,000 Danish Jews. . . .
European Jews with guns can make a difference, though. A well-armed Jewish population might make the jihadists—and their political enablers—think twice. More immediately, they are likely to save their own lives. Europe’s restrictive gun laws may pose a hurdle, but not a very onerous one.
More about: Anti-Semitism, Denmark, European Jewry, Jewish World, Second Amendment