The island city-state is home to a small number of Jews, along with two synagogues and a kosher grocery story. It also has a warm relationship with Israel. Ayelet Mamo Shay writes:
A serious crisis took place in Singapore after World War II [during which the island saw intense fighting], and few Jews remained in the country: only 150 out of several thousands, most of them Iraqi Jews from Baghdad, who lead the community to this very day. Since then, the community has grown significantly and numbers some 1,500 men and women today. . . .
The community is mostly Orthodox, wealthy, and very inviting. Slowly, over the years, the community grew and expanded thanks to people who arrived from all over the world, including several thousand Israelis who are sent to Singapore every year by their workplaces on missions or special projects. . . .
In 1965, when Singapore gained its independence and split from Malaysia, Israel was one of the few countries which helped the new republic. Singapore’s residents are still grateful to Israel, and Israelis are very popular.
More about: East Asian Jewry, Israel, Jewish World, Mizrahi Jewry, Southeast Asia