Arab anti-Semitism

Despite President al-Sisi’s calls for religious reform.

June 2 2015 12:01AM

Today’s anti-Semitism is the product of a new civic religion called “Palestinianism.”

Robert Wistrich
May 26 2015 12:01AM

A nostalgic, farewell portrait of a world that was fast expiring.

André Aciman
May 12 2015 12:01AM

How Jewish students and aid workers hide their Jewishness.

Avi Lewis
May 8 2015 12:01AM

And other signs for optimism.

April 28 2015 12:01AM

Did you know that Jews are “human history’s most bloodthirsty people”?

Mehdi Khalaji
April 22 2015 12:01AM

The Israeli historian Shlomo Sand has attracted attention by resuscitating long-discredited theories about the supposedly non-Middle Eastern origins of the Jewish people and ostentatiously declaring. . .

Shaul Bartal
Jan. 13 2015 12:01AM

The American publisher HarperCollins recently produced an atlas intended for English-speaking students in the Middle East that does not show Israel. Although the atlas has. . .

Michael J. Totten
Jan. 5 2015 12:01AM

Historian Rachel Shabi and a group of other post-Zionists have tried to use historical prejudice against Mizrahim—i.e., Jews of North African and Middle Eastern origin—to. . .

Lyn Julius
Oct. 28 2014 12:01AM

Holocaust museums graphically present pre-war hate propaganda, but shy away from showcasing the hatred of Jews prevalent in the Arab world. 

Herb London
Feb. 20 2014 12:01AM