Understanding the West Bank’s most solvable problems.
Over the coming years, Israel’s most famous law will become an object of political gamesmanship and a potential tool for demographic engineering—no matter who will be in power.
What’s sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander.
And accomplishes little on its own terms.
Perverse incentives.
A victory for the center-right, not the center-left.
The benefits of an imperfect solution.
Many right-wing voters care about other things far more than judicial reform.
History and identity underlie the fight over the judiciary.
Undermining the IDF and civil-military relations.
Reflections on Israel’s political crisis.
When protestors ate cholent in an Orthodox enclave.
Like its American counterpart, it affirms that fundamental freedoms are inseparable from our humanity.
And the pitfalls of overstating the “shared culture” of Jews and Arabs in the Middle East.