Rabbis Bill II.
How the Jewish state found itself going to elections yet again, and what reforms might, at last, bring some stability.
It’s a basic rule of negotiations: the most strident party is inevitably the one with the upper hand.
Once again, the people’s business won’t get done.
The Ukrainian leader’s controversial address to the Knesset.
Though they seem to have no qualms about Russia’s occupation of its neighbor.
Embracing the politics of compromise.
Olim bring skills and capital—and fulfill the Jewish state’s purpose.
Has the real Mansour Abbas stepped forward?
An end to three years of gridlock?
Transparency and competition will help reduce corruption and other ills.
Can a government with no clear leader get more done?
Bigger problems than the opposition.
The Knesset didn’t renew a law that has prevented terrorism for two decades.