
In the recent elections, Democratic candidates garnered a somewhat smaller-than-usual percentage of Jewish votes. One interpretation of these results not only distorts them drastically but. . .

Nov. 17 2014 12:01AM

Despite the claims of post-Zionists, anti-Zionists, and even a few on Israel’s extreme right, not only is Zionism compatible with liberal democratic ideals, but it. . .

Oct. 27 2014 12:01AM

American Jews are “secure” but lack “self-confidence.” So Irving Kristol wrote in 1991. Right then; right now?

Oct. 1 2014 4:57PM

Are liberalism and Zionism incompatible? The idea is widespread but baseless; it’s the alternatives to Zionism that are truly illiberal.

David Bernstein
Aug. 26 2014 12:01AM

Liberal democracy, ascendant for two centuries, has been dogged all along by counter-ideologies. Radical Islam is the latest deadly example. 

Abram N. Shulsky
Aug. 15 2014 12:01AM

Has Israel’s conduct in Gaza alienated liberal American Jews? So some have warned—a warning that, when it comes to protecting its citizens, the Jewish state. . .

Shmuel Rosner
Aug. 8 2014 12:01AM

As against the pagan empires of antiquity, biblical civilization chose ordered freedom over both tyranny and anarchy; in today’s Israel, the same concept of liberty. . .

July 29 2014 12:01AM

Many are the substitutes for God invented by non-believers; they have turned out to be no substitutes at all. But can the West recover its. . .

June 18 2014 12:01AM

As the Exodus story suggests, the blessings of freedom are secured through laws: guardrails that tame the ego and remind us of permanent truths.  

David Brooks
April 18 2014 12:01AM

The founders of modern liberalism aspired to a society free of “religious prejudice.” The task was not as easy as they hoped.   

Harvey Mansfield
March 31 2014 12:01AM

If a prominent liberal Washington think-tank has its way, religion will be something that happens at home, in houses of worship, and nowhere else.

John Murdock
Feb. 17 2014 12:01AM

In asserting the Christian origins of modern liberalism, a new book obscures the Jewish roots of Pauline ethics and exaggerates the egalitarianism of  medieval Christendom.

David Abulafia
Jan. 30 2014 5:00AM

How can Jewish liberals defend the Women of the Wall when they don’t believe Jews should have the right to pray in “occupied” eastern. . .

Oct. 14 2013 12:00AM

Egypt’s so-called liberals grew out of a functionary class that was never interested in limiting the power of the state and has always been ambivalent. . .

Lee Smith
Aug. 15 2013 12:00AM