Yearning for nuance in the face of unmitigated evil.
Rebelling against “a holy law; but of this they appeared to be wholly unconscious.”
A political vision that has been good for the Jews.
Painting the people of the book.
Excluding Orthodox Jews from a philosophy of inclusion.
An alternative to liberalism that flourishes because of it.
What John Locke learned from Moses.
As 1970s America unraveled, both radicals posed “uncomfortable questions for comfortable Jews.” What did they ask, and are conditions ripe for similar figures to emerge?
The great Jewish sort.
A lesson for the illiberal left and the illiberal right.
Hungary is less religious, prosperous, and free than the United States. That doesn’t mean it’s wholly bad.
The recent decision to stop selling the books of a disgraced Orthodox children’s author reflects a pre-liberal sensibility worth recovering.
Missed the live event? Catch the recording here of Daniel Johnson speaking live on the secularization of America with David Wolpe and Chris Arnade.
These two ex-friends saw Jews as the embodiment of the evils of liberalism.