Museum of the Bible

From Afghanistan to Washington, DC.

Jerusalem Post
Sept. 19 2024 12:01AM

A look at the Washington Pentateuch.

June 3 2020 12:01AM

Other institutions can learn integrity from them.

Collette Loll
March 30 2020 12:01AM

Losing public authority over Scripture.

Alex Joffe
Sept. 14 2018 12:01AM

There is no neutral or “universal” way to read—or exhibit—the Bible. What, then, can an American museum of the Bible strive to accomplish?

Jan. 22 2018 12:01AM

Anyone expecting to find a politicized museum dedicated to hot-button “culture-war” issues needs to look elsewhere than the new Museum of the Bible.

Jan. 15 2018 12:01AM

The Bible molded modern English and shaped American society and culture. Now, as attacks on the Museum of the Bible suggest, it has been cripplingly tossed aside.

Jan. 8 2018 12:01AM

Critics accuse it of threatening the separation of church and state; in truth, Washington’s new museum makes an invaluable contribution to American (and Jewish) cultural literacy.

Jan. 2 2018 12:01AM