And anointed Yasir Arafat as his successor.
A former anti-Semite has some advice for her fellow Somali-American.
His removal from office likely saved the Israel-Egypt peace treaty.
Pressuring King Abdullah to relinquish custodianship of al-Aqsa is a mistake.
Roger Scruton, George Soros, and the dangers of ellipses.
Will it stand up to mounting pressure from the U.S. and the Saudis?
The Brotherhood’s branches have the same goals but separate tactics.
A new accord between IS and the Islamic Movement.
“Screw them, collaborate with them, and double-cross them all at once.”
The fourfold increase, not the events of 1979, led to many of today’s problems.
An Islamist paragon falls.
The need to govern is real.
But it still needs to find a way to combat its non-terrorist activities.
A regional perspective on this summer’s Temple Mount crisis.