
The neurobiology bait-and-switch.

James Davison Hunter and Paul Nedelisky
Nov. 18 2016 12:01AM

Looking to Aristotle for answers.

William E. Carrol
Jan. 8 2016 12:01AM

“The peace of the Sabbath . . . a time outside time, was palpable, infused everything.”

Oliver Sacks
Aug. 18 2015 12:01AM

Through facile explanations of the material origins of human thought, an intolerant pseudoscience aims to debunk all art, culture, and religion.

Roger Scruton
March 7 2014 12:01AM

Scientists and philosophers of mind are tossing the human-centered worldview into the trash; it is incumbent on Judaism and Christianity to confront them.

Jan. 14 2014 12:00AM

If—contrary to modern dualism—mind and matter actually form an integrated whole, we can better understand how religions work, and also how they go awry.

Oliver Davies
Sept. 3 2013 12:00AM