New Atheists

The term “new atheism” generally refers to the claims, made prominent by Richard Dawkins, Christopher Hitchens, and others, that religion is both objectively false and. . .

Peter Berger
Jan. 8 2015 12:01AM

There is more than meets the eye to Leo Strauss’s claim that philosophers, himself included, cannot be religious believers.

Peter Lawler
Jan. 24 2014 12:00AM

Scientists and philosophers of mind are tossing the human-centered worldview into the trash; it is incumbent on Judaism and Christianity to confront them.

Jan. 14 2014 12:00AM

An eminent primatologist has entered the debate between evolutionary biology and religion over the innateness of the moral sense—on the side of religion.

Phillip Sherman
Dec. 4 2013 12:00AM

The British Left is fine with attacks on Christianity, but hates Richard Dawkins, the evolutionary biologist and militant atheist, for attacking Islam too.

Nick Cohen
Aug. 29 2013 12:00AM

William Lane Craig, evangelical Christianity’s answer to the New Atheists, has his philosophical opponents on the run.

Nathan Schneider
July 2 2013 12:00AM

The history of Europe since the 18th century has been the story of successive attempts to find alternatives to God. The costs are mounting up.

June 14 2013 12:00AM