
An atheist crackup drives out the skeptics.

Sarah Haider
Jan. 6 2025 12:01AM

A Catholic couple were told they couldn’t be foster parents due to their beliefs.

Tim Carney
Aug. 21 2023 12:01AM

Once condemned for mocking religion, Monty Python’s Life of Brian is now condemned for mocking today’s gender madness.

Carl Trueman
June 14 2023 12:01AM

The New York Times gets it wrong.

March 23 2023 12:01AM

It’s no coincidence that the two movements share a “high priestess.”

Kathleen Hayes
July 8 2022 12:01AM

It gives no avenue for recourse.

Avi Shafran
March 3 2021 12:01AM

For Yiscah Smith, Orthodox Judaism is a bit like the exaggerated femininity of the drag queen.

July 27 2020 12:01AM

A cult masquerading as a medical condition.

Naomi Schaefer Riley
June 29 2020 12:01AM

A ruling against thoughts, not actions.

Dan Hitchens
Oct. 8 2019 12:01AM

A recent ruling from the American Pediatric Association is political rather than scientific.

Allan Josephson
July 15 2019 12:01AM

A Jewish school seeking to hire a female teacher would have to consider candidates who “identify as female.”

Yaakov Menken and Monica Burke
June 12 2019 12:01AM