Hamas Apologists Borrow a Page from the Nazis

Rashid Khalidi is a former PLO spokesman, Colombia University’s Edward Said professor of modern Arab studies, and a preeminent anti-Israel academic who, in Martin Kramer’s words, has “spent much of his career trying to anesthetize America to terrorism, divert attention from it, or minimize it.” In the past weeks, Khalidi has repeatedly articulated the argument that what Hamas has done is no worse than what Israel is doing in response, variations of which have been heard in many quarters. To Kramer, the argument is almost identical to one made at the Nuremburg trials by Otto Ohlendorf, a high-ranking SS official who led his troops in the murder of some 90,000 Jews in late 1941 and early 1942:

“It was submitted,” the judges wrote, “that the defendants must be exonerated from the charge of killing civilian populations since every Allied nation brought about the death of noncombatants through the instrumentality of bombing.” The judges would have none of it.

Nuremberg enforced a fundamental distinction. All civilian lives are equal, but not so all ways of taking them. The deliberate and purposeful killing of civilians is a crime; not so the taking of civilian lives that is undesired, unintended, but unavoidable. The errors made by a bomber squadron cannot be deducted from the murders committed by a death squad. It’s a difference compounded many times over when those civilian men, women, and children are subjected to torture, rape, and mutilation before their murder.

Otto Ohlendorf and the regime he served did all they could to conceal their deeds from Western eyes. Nazi Germany still operated in a West founded on Enlightenment values. So massive a violation of a shared patrimony needed to be hidden from view.

In contrast, Hamas initially sought to publicize its deeds, assuming they would win applause, admiration, or at least tacit acceptance in the Arab and Muslim worlds. Here they succeeded beyond their expectations.

Read more at Sandbox

More about: Hamas, Military ethics, Nuremberg Trials, Rashid Khalidi

Hostage Negotiations Won’t Succeed without Military Pressure

Israel’s goals of freeing the hostages and defeating Hamas (the latter necessary to prevent further hostage taking) are to some extent contradictory, since Yahya Sinwar, the ruler of the Gaza Strip, will only turn over hostages in exchange for concessions. But Jacob Nagel remains convinced that Jerusalem should continue to pursue both goals:

Only consistent military pressure on Hamas can lead to the hostages’ release, either through negotiation or military operation. There’s little chance of reaching a deal with Hamas using current approaches, including the latest Egyptian proposal. Israeli concessions would only encourage further pressure from Hamas.

There is no incentive for Hamas to agree to a deal, especially since it believes it can achieve its full objectives without one. Unfortunately, many contribute to this belief, mainly from outside of Israel, but also from within.

Recent months saw Israel mistakenly refraining from entering Rafah for several reasons. Initially, the main [reason was to try] to negotiate a deal with Hamas. However, as it became clear that Hamas was uninterested, and its only goal was to return to its situation before October 7—where Hamas and its leadership control Gaza, Israeli forces are out, and there are no changes in the borders—the deal didn’t mature.

Read more at Jerusalem Post

More about: Gaza War 2023, Israeli Security