Soon the Supreme Court will decide whether to hear two cases involving European charities that funnel donations to jihadist groups. The Biden administration has submitted a brief urging the justices to allow the lower-court rulings to stand, but Mike Pompeo urges them to do the opposite:
In these two new cases, the petitioners—54 American families who have been victims of foreign terrorism—have fought for sixteen years to reach a jury. . . . In the first case, a British bank reported suspicions of terrorist financing to UK regulators, who took no action, thus permitting the bank to continue providing financial services even after the charity in question was designated by the U.S. Treasury Department as a terrorist front. In the second, a French bank held accounts for CBSP, a French charity that the U.S. government found collected large sums that “it then transfers to sub-organizations of Hamas.”
Implicit in the Biden administration’s brief to the Supremes is that our courts should defer to other countries’ judgments instead of our own. This would set a horrendous precedent. Are we also to rely on such judgments made by the governments of Russia or China?
Terrorism derives a part of its power by encasing itself within a hall of mirrors. This complicates our reactions, which are difficult enough without [this] attempt to remove a core element of our countervailing response—the attainment of civil remedies against those who knowingly facilitate terrorism. This will cost precious lives.
More about: Hamas, Supreme Court, Terrorism