A nation alone? Hardly.
“There is a long history of expecting Jews to be like everybody else. And both the Bible and history tell me that Jews are not like everybody else.”
And how younger evangelicals depart from their elders.
Robertson’s support for Israel was entangled with a genuine sympathy for the Jewish people.
Jewish-Dominican New York, Spanish-speaking evangelical Zionists, and Israeli water technology in Guatemala.
How did Noah and his family look after all those animals?
White roses.
And dismantles myths about evangelicals.
Has Christian Zionism already peaked in the United States at the same time that it’s just beginning to pick up steam in Africa, Asia, and Latin America?
Major evangelical groups disagree over the IHRA’s working definition.
Has modernity really created any more bitterness and division than there always was?
An unsettling generation gap.
As rockets flew this past spring, my small Minnesota town found itself divided, which set me on a mission: to convene my neighbors face to face. A new film helped me set the stage.
A change in focus rather than a change in views.