Israeli Declaration of Independence

Shalom Tzvi Davidowitz Street.

Mati Wagner and Neil Rogachevsky
Dec. 16 2024 12:01AM

Harry Zvi Davidowitz and the Rock of Israel.

Yizhar Hess
April 25 2023 12:01AM

Like its American counterpart, it affirms that fundamental freedoms are inseparable from our humanity.

March 22 2023 12:01AM

Antecedents both American and biblical.

Feb. 10 2023 12:01AM

David Ben-Gurion was inspired by the Hebrew Bible. How true to it was he?

Feb. 21 2022 12:01AM

Olim bring skills and capital—and fulfill the Jewish state’s purpose.

Jan. 18 2022 12:01AM

Israel’s declaration was never intended to function as domestic law. There’s no reason it should have been transformed into the quasi-constitution it is today.

Nov. 22 2021 12:25AM

On May 14, 1948, Israel’s founders wanted to emphasize to the world that while the Jewish people had been born in the Land of Israel, its state was the adopted child of the United Nations.

Aug. 10 2021 12:02AM

The declaration came together so hurriedly that if the drafters had argued for even a few hours more it would have read much differently.

May 19 2021 12:08AM

The beginning of a new series investigating how the Israeli Declaration of Independence came about, and what the text reveals about the country it brought into being.

April 14 2021 12:20AM

Ever? Judea? Zion?

April 29 2020 12:01AM

Declaring Israel’s independence.

Feb. 12 2020 12:01AM

On the eve of Israel’s statehood in 1948, with the massed forces of five Arab nations threatening invasion, David Ben-Gurion picked a fight with his own army. Why?

Feb. 3 2020 12:01AM

And the recent dispute over who owns that draft.

Aug. 6 2019 12:01AM