
“A double helix of free will and fate defines our lives—the circumstances we find ourselves in, and how we remember those experiences.” (Interview by Rachel Gordan.)

Feb. 27 2014 12:01AM

With an intellectual boldness unmatched in Jewish philosophy before or since, Moses Maimonides showed that ritual observance opens the way to knowledge of reality. 

David Mikics
Feb. 3 2014 12:01AM

Orthodox rabbis need to stop worrying about 200-year-old battles with “Reformers” and allow Jewish law to develop organically, as it always did in the past.

David Golinkin
Dec. 22 2013 8:47PM

There have been two moments in the last 150 years when the assumptions behind Jewish law seemed poised to change. Nothing happened. Is today different?

Dec. 15 2013 2:14PM

Simon Schama’s bestselling new history of the Jews not only misrepresents but trivializes key events, ideas, and personalities.

Marc Saperstein
Dec. 11 2013 12:00AM

A new-old paradigm is taking hold in Israel: a secularism based on a renewed embrace of Judaism.

Nov. 10 2013 10:37PM

An exhibit at New York’s Metropolitan Museum featuring two illustrated manuscripts of Maimonides’ legal code, Mishneh Torah, is a model for how Judaica should be. . .

Nov. 7 2013 12:00AM

To the medieval philosopher Hasdai Crescas, knowing that God exists cannot be a commandment, as Maimonides taught; rather, one knows God through lived experience.

Seth Kadish
Oct. 11 2013 12:00AM

The great medieval scholars agree that the attempt to reconcile divine justice with human suffering is important, but disagree vehemently as to why.

Oct. 4 2013 12:00AM

Is it sacrilegious to interpret the Torah against its ancient historical background? According to medieval scholars, not only can the Torah be understood in context, it must be. 

Sept. 18 2013 12:00AM

Almost every methodological approach used by modern Bible critics finds a parallel in the works of “traditional” Jewish exegetes in the Middle Ages.

Martin Lockshin
Aug. 22 2013 12:00AM

Becoming a recognized authority in Jewish law depends less on the assent of the general public, and more on the respect of other experts.

June 11 2013 12:00AM

The most famous Jewish practice is really about love and national loyalty.

Jan. 15 2006 12:00AM