State Department

For too long, claims the New York Sun, the U.S. government—and the State Department in particular—has undermined its own efforts at peacemaking by treating the. . .

Nov. 20 2014 12:01AM

General Martin Dempsey, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, recently praised Israel’s extraordinary efforts to prevent civilian casualties in Gaza and mentioned that the. . .

David Bernstein
Nov. 12 2014 12:01AM

Last week, a major two-day conference took place in Abu Dhabi, where participants from around the world gathered to discuss issues concerning the Middle East.. . .

Oct. 31 2014 12:01AM

In his speech at the UN last month, Benjamin Netanyahu highlighted the similarities between Islamic State and Hamas—an analogy summarily dismissed by the State Department.. . .

Matthew Continetti
Oct. 28 2014 12:01AM

Spokesmen for the U.S. State Department did not hesitate to condemn Israel for its alleged lack of “restraint” or “proportionality” during the Gaza war. Now,. . .

Roger Simon
Oct. 15 2014 12:01AM

At the UN, the prime minister exposed the hypocrisy of Israel’s critics and the dangers of radical Islamism, and stood up for freedom and democracy.. . .

Roger Simon
Oct. 3 2014 12:01AM

The UN agency charged with tending to Palestinian “refugees,” lavishly funded by the U.S., flagrantly violates American law and policy. Yet the State Department acts. . .

Steven J. Rosen
Oct. 2 2014 12:01AM