United States

According to Joseph Biden, the U.S. has restarted the Israel-Palestinian peace process in order to bring stability to the Middle East. In fact, it is. . .

Oct. 10 2013 12:00AM

Despite the recent diplomatic thaw, the Western assault on Iran’s financial networks, computer systems, weaponry, and personnel continues, adding a new dimension to warfare.

Lee Smith
Oct. 10 2013 12:00AM

Alarmed by American overtures toward the Rouhani regime, Saudi Arabia and the Gulf states are increasingly cooperating with Israel in hopes of combating Iran.

Ronen Yitzhak
Oct. 8 2013 12:00AM

In American mythology and politics, the Bible served as a basis for both radical and conservative causes—before virtually disappearing from public discourse.

Robert E. Brown
Oct. 8 2013 12:00AM

The Obama administration believes that the United States is on the brink of a historic reconciliation with Iran. So did the Reagan administration—before Iran-Contra.

Oct. 4 2013 12:00AM

As the U.S. determines to pursue diplomacy with Iran, Israel has no choice but to appeal to allies in Congress to ensure that the. . .

Oct. 3 2013 12:00AM

In rushing to embrace rivals and enemies, we send an unmistakable signal about our resolve and reliability. (Interview by Max Fisher)

Sept. 12 2013 12:00AM

Before deciding exactly what action to take against the Syrian dictator, the U.S. must determine whether his unleashing of chemical weapons was a sign of. . .

Sept. 4 2013 12:00AM

Supplanting Turkey as a key secular, majority-Muslim ally of both Israel and the United States, Azerbaijan could prove invaluable in a confrontation with Iran.

Alexandros Petersen
Sept. 3 2013 12:00AM

A bout of therapeutic bombing in Syria by the United States and its allies would be an even more feckless course of action than a. . .

Aug. 27 2013 12:00AM

The mainstream media are convinced, on no evidence, that Israel supported Egypt’s military coup. What Israel cares about, and wants Washington to care about, is. . .

Lee Smith
Aug. 22 2013 12:00AM

The dubious conviction and subsequent lynching of Leo Frank for the murder of thirteen-year-old Mary Phagan would be unimaginable in Atlanta today. But was he guilty?

Paul Berger
Aug. 20 2013 12:00AM

Synonymous with fraud and organized crime a century ago, America’s kosher-food industry resisted even governmental attempts to transform it. One rabbi brought it to heel.

Timothy D. Lytton
Aug. 16 2013 12:00AM

The Judeo-English spoken by American Orthodox Jews, sprinkled with Yiddish, differs from standard English in vocabulary but not in phonetics and grammar—yet.

Aug. 16 2013 12:00AM