Vladimir Putin

Vladimir Putin’s major new role in the Middle East is no accident. It’s part and parcel of President Obama’s broader strategy.

Dec. 1 2015 12:01AM

Two mercurial leaders confront one another.

Henri Barkey
Nov. 30 2015 12:01AM

The Russian president isn’t anti-Semitic . . . yet.

Nov. 11 2015 12:01AM

In light of Russian intervention: yes.

Amos Yadlin and Carmit Valensi
Oct. 27 2015 12:01AM

Only on the surface.

Miriam Pollock
Oct. 14 2015 12:01AM

Defending his allies and fighting his enemies.

Edward Luttwak
Oct. 12 2015 12:01AM

Barack Obama and Vladimir Putin share an agenda of reducing American influence in the Middle East.

Lee Smith
Sept. 17 2015 12:01AM

Yossi Beilin’s “two-state solution” for Ukraine.

Sept. 16 2015 12:01AM

What of reports that Putin is sending troops to Syria?

Eyal Zisser
Sept. 9 2015 12:01AM

More to a protest than meets the eye.

Vladislav Davidzon
July 29 2015 12:01AM

The number of Jews leaving Russia rose steeply in 2014.

Roman Super and Claire Bigg
July 6 2015 12:01AM

There’s a new national ideology forming in Russia—and “the Jews” play a big part in it.

June 25 2015 12:01AM

Putin’s new “Eurasian” ideology is responsible.

Tatyana Nosenko
June 17 2015 12:01AM

Pro-Russian apologists distorting history? Never.

May 14 2015 12:01AM