
An idea hatched by its most advanced minds is now what Europe has to find its way past, if it can.

Wilfred McClay
Jan. 14 2016 12:01AM

Postmodern Europeans may not like to hear it, but nation-states are still essential to preserving the continent’s culture and safety.

Jan. 11 2016 12:01AM

It’s both a continent and an idea, with an alternately heroic and ignominious past and, until recently, an enviable present. Can the heart of the West survive the 21st century?

Jan. 4 2016 12:01AM

The West forgets the biblical tradition at its own peril.

Yoram Hazony and George Weigel
Dec. 22 2015 12:01AM

Poland offered Jews some of the best conditions they ever experienced in exile—until it didn’t. How are Poles dealing with that history today?

Dec. 21 2015 12:01AM

It’s a doctrine with no qualms about anti-Semitism.

Roger Scruton
Dec. 18 2015 12:01AM

Europeans hate Israel because they hate themselves.

Brendan O’Neill
Dec. 10 2015 12:01AM

French Jews are emigrating to Israel by the tens of thousands. Their departure isn’t just about them; it’s about the end of the French idea.

Oct. 7 2015 12:01AM

Arab cynicism and Western racism.

Joel Golovensky
Sept. 30 2015 12:01AM

“One of the last bastions of humanity.”

Giulio Meotti
April 13 2015 12:01AM

Strong ideological currents are turning Europe into a difficult place for Jewish survival.

Sept. 28 2014 11:14PM

Angela Merkel’s recent speech was a rare acknowledgment that anti-Zionism, anti-Semitism, and anti-democracy are all symptoms of the same disease.

Jonathan Tobin
Sept. 17 2014 12:01AM

The IDF just intervened to save Irish peacekeepers in Syria from an al-Qaeda affiliate. For its part, the Irish government remains the most anti-Israel in Europe.

Sept. 10 2014 12:01AM

Europeans leaders are seeking a greater peacekeeping role in Gaza. If their experience with Hizballah in Lebanon is any indication, not only will Hamas not. . .

Soeren Kern
Sept. 3 2014 12:01AM