Why shouldn’t Iraq join Azerbaijan and Arizona in benefitting from the might of a desalination superpower?
The Biyer Aqueduct.
The Abraham Accords can deepen, as well as broaden, Israel-Arab relations.
The UAE brokered something more than cold peace.
Palestinian recalcitrance shouldn’t hold Israel-African relations hostage.
The expert joins us to talk about the history and future of Israeli water technology.
Cape Town learns the price of boycotting Israel.
For nine years, Mahmoud Abbas tried to obstruct cooperation.
How the mullahs have created an impending crisis.
Don’t hold infrastructure hostage to politics.
Using lava stone.
The untold story of Israeli hydrodiplomacy, from the 1950s until now.
Water shortages there are now a thing of the past.
Water shortages in the Palestinian Authority are the result of homegrown policies that deliberately create waste and destroy the region’s ecology.