Mixed Messages.
Part Joyce, part Balzac, part yizkor book.
The myth of the good Italian.
A moral virtuoso.
Cantor, Kantorowicz, and Frederick II.
Recruited by the Italian government, then forced to flee.
There is little doubt that Benito Mussolini’s Venetian-born Jewish lover Margherita Sarfatti had a profound influence on the dictator’s career, but can she truly be. . .
Margherita Sarfatti, a Venetian Jewess, was Benito Mussolini’s mistress and confidante from 1912 until the 1930s. Sophisticated, educated, and politically engaged, she was unique among. . .
Amid the joyous clamor of today’s ex-ghetto, the voices of its last inhabitants, hunted down by Nazi soldiers in October 1943, can still be heard.