A new novel explores a different kind of idol worship.
The Convert tells of a French noblewoman who fell in love with a rabbi’s son.
Spy thrillers of the soul.
The philosopher in black turtleneck, black trousers, black shoes, and black yarmulke pacing the stage with a microphone skinning the Jews alive.
Historian, ambassador, public servant—Oren’s done it all. Now, after the publication of a new book of fiction, he joins us to talk about his multifaceted career.
Anti-Semite or philo-Semite? The master spy novelist’s final mystery.
Woe to the Scribes and Pharisees!
Even one that insists on seeing righteousness in ecological, rather than religious, terms.
Claiming objection to “Islamophobia,” when the real objection is to Zionism.
Paris in the Present Tense.
In the mid-1970s, an Israeli military governor in Ramallah watches the trial of four young Arab men who have accused their interrogators of torture.
Daniel Silva’s The Black Widow.
The not-“Jesus novel.”