
On Martin Luther King Day, the ghost of the great civil-rights leader was summoned to condemn Israel. The problem? While alive, King had plenty of opportunities to do so—and never did.

March 13 2019 12:01AM

It wasn’t easy for an entire Jewish family to escape Eastern Europe in the mid-20th century. Ruth Wisse’s did.

May 17 2018 12:01AM

Western statesmen and politicians have long asserted that the two-state solution commands majority support on the ground. Most Palestinians say otherwise.

April 3 2017 12:01AM

The conventional wisdom says the problem is Israel. It’s wrong.

April 4 2016 12:01AM

Ours is an era of museums celebrating the identity of nearly every group and ethnicity. But something else takes place when the identity in question is Jewish.

Feb. 1 2016 12:01AM

Anti-Semitism on American college campuses is rising—and worsening. Where does it come from, and can it be stopped?

May 4 2015 12:01AM

As a powerful new exhibit shows, the 16th president felt a close connection to the Jewish people. Why?

April 1 2015 12:01AM

Many are sure that one of Judaism’s central events never happened. Evidence, some published here for the first time, suggests otherwise.

March 2 2015 12:01AM

Holocaust inversion—the claim that Israelis are the new Nazis and Palestinians the new Jews—has come to the American university campus.

Aug. 26 2014 5:00PM

Fifty years on, no work by or about Jews has won American hearts so thoroughly. So what’s my problem?

June 18 2014 6:00PM