“As they sat in shul all those centuries ago, they could hear the Song of Songs, and feel hope for the final redemption.”
Imagining the first Passover.
“Take a living person and turn him into a book.”
Reflections on Israel’s political crisis.
American Jews’ two narratives of liberation.
A Jewish democracy activist joins us to talk about the oppression of the Uighurs in western China, and whether the Jewish experience has any survival strategies to offer.
The Jewish story of redemption doesn’t just involve enduring suffering, but actually imposes obligations.
One never hears Jews speak among themselves of Sukkot as the holiday of Booths, or of Rosh Hashanah as New Year’s Day. Why the difference?
Those defiled by the dead, celebrating freedom.
And the dangers to Jews of ignoring the biblical heritage.
Chabad is planning 52 public seders and welcoming thousands of Jews.
How Maxwell House became the country’s largest Judaica publisher.
From opening the door to the poor to opening it to Elijah.
This survey had an unusual Passover problem.