
The holiday’s message speaks profoundly to the challenges of our time.

Oct. 3 2018 12:01AM

Before life gave the Near East lemons, it gave it citrons.

Dafna Langgut
Feb. 7 2018 12:01AM

Building a sukkah in Nazareth.

Oct. 19 2017 12:01AM

“A gut kvitl!” East European Jews once said to each other in the days just before and during the holiday of Sukkot, and many still do. What does it mean?

Oct. 10 2017 12:01AM

A bitter frost threatens this year’s crop.

Aug. 10 2017 12:01AM

The history of holiday greetings.

Oct. 1 2015 12:01AM

“The Etrog,” newly rendered into English.

S. Y. Agnon
Sept. 30 2015 12:01AM

This Sukkot, Jews around the world will import etrogim from remote regions of the Atlas Mountains.

Ben Sales
Sept. 24 2015 12:01AM

With the recitation of the prayer for rain on Sh’mini Atzeret, the High Holiday season closes in a reminder of human frailty and divine beneficence. 

Lauren Berkun
Sept. 25 2013 12:00AM

In the army, sacrifice, discomfort, privation, and the fragility of life—all symbolized by the sukkah—are facts of everyday existence.

David Frommer
Sept. 24 2013 12:00AM

For two millennia, Jews have agreed on the identity of the four species of Sukkot plants; prior to  the rabbis, though, consensus is conspicuously absent.

Sept. 24 2013 12:00AM