As the latest attempt to draw universal ethical principles from the Bible shows, philosophical investigation of its text offers the prospect of great rewards—and grave dangers.
The influence of the Ts’enah Urenah.
Renewing the covenant.
And find evidence of the continuity of the biblical text.
Some are named for their first word, others for their first significant word. What about the rest?
Why is it different from the Jewish Bible?
Making sense of a discomfiting law.
It sees rituals as more than symbolic.
A participatory theory of revelation.
For this 14th-century rabbi, the Torah’s laws were only quasi-divine.
Some think the Devil can be found in the Hebrew Bible. Are they right?
Vayakhel records in painstaking detail the making of the tabernacle. It also makes clear one crucial truth: the central task of Jewish leadership is not atonement but teaching.
It takes hard work to get to the divine.
During two exoduses, defiance proved better than comfort.