Ilya Ehrenburg, “Stalin’s favorite Jew.”
Hitler, Stalin, Mum and Dad.
Two new books bring Osip Mandelstam to an English-language audience.
The beginnings of the Doctors’ Plot.
Esperanto’s greatest enthusiasts were Jews, and its greatest enemies anti-Semites.
“The honorable title of Jew, of which I am proud.”
Jews were both victims and victimizers.
Remembering the truth about Jews and Communism.
In the end, the death of two Yiddish artists may have finally broken Robeson’s Communist resolve.
Pinḥas Kahanovitsh, the Concealed One.
Dovid Bergelson’s Yiddish masterpiece and his untimely death.
Vasily Grossman’s Life and Fate.
The usual answer is Truman—but it could just as easily be Stalin. In fact, thanks to Zionist diplomacy, it was both; and therein lies a lesson for the Jewish state today.
Der Nister died in the gulag, just a few years before his colleagues were murdered.