Ottoman Empire

As the conventional wisdom would have it?

May 18 2015 12:01AM

The story of raki in America.

Eugene Normand and Albert S. Maimon
April 20 2015 12:01AM

The language was in use far earlier than previously thought.

Avner Perez
April 7 2015 12:01AM

Mustafa Kemal Atatürk.

William O’Connor
March 10 2015 12:01AM

Mendes Cohen was born to Jewish immigrants in Richmond, VA in 1796; his family moved to Baltimore when he was a child. During the War. . .

Joe Sugarman
Feb. 2 2015 12:01AM

In 1621, the famed talmudist and mystic Isaiah Horowitz left his native Prague, where he had served as rabbi to what was then the world’s. . .

Dec. 8 2014 12:01AM

Claims that Jews have built on privately owned Arab land are often upheld by Israeli courts; just as often, they ignore the ownership laws of pre-1948 Palestine.    

Moshe Dann
Feb. 18 2014 12:01AM

The first known photographs of Jerusalem, taken when Ottoman Turks ruled the city, show a Temple Mount and Western Wall in disrepair and surrounded by rubble.

Rose Eveleth
Jan. 29 2014 12:00AM

With the destruction of physical monuments and landscapes through war or decay, travelers’ accounts have become an invaluable source for reconstructing Ottoman Palestine.

Uzi Baram
Sept. 12 2013 12:00AM

Britain deployed a million men and vast resources to fight the Ottomans during World War I.  How did an archeologist with no military training manage. . .

Aug. 15 2013 12:00AM

The Great War, which began in the days around Tisha b’Av, 1914, saw Jews of different nationalities fighting each other in the trenches and dying. . .

Larry Domnitch
July 16 2013 12:00AM

Among the first European settlers in Ottoman Palestine, the German Templers provided a model of enterprise for early Zionists. Then came the British, and then. . .

Raffi Berg
July 15 2013 12:00AM

For the first time since the Ottoman Empire fell, Muslims in the Middle East are free to pursue the same dream that inspired Europe’s nationalists.. . .

July 3 2013 12:00AM

For the Middle East, World War I initiated a rapid transition from the pre-modern to the modern world. Archeologists have unearthed evidence of a. . .

Jeffrey A. Blakely
July 1 2013 12:00AM